A downloadable game

Pack all your belongings up in 60 seconds! Your landlord is evicting you, and you only have 60 seconds to collect what you own, and only 30 to put it all in the box!

Arrow Keys/WASD to move

Left Mouse Click to pick up items

R to rotate on inventory grid


Poltyrgyst - Lead

Ben Shirley - Software Developer

JamieOgle - Software Developer

Terross_echo - Sound Engineer

jina - Artist

Luhfam6 - Artist

*****Known Issues*****

-Main menu is not functional

-Scoring not fixed for pack it in sequence

-Random triangle sometimes spawns in top left bedroom

This game may get updated in the future with additional functionality and assets, as well as more levels.


Pack-It-In - FinalBuild.zip 32 MB

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